09:55:05 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: I just grabbed a chocolate cover espresso bean! 09:56:14 From Janine Wilson to Everyone: The struggle with live meetings is "getting there”. I always forget about the 15 minute walk. 09:56:31 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: yeah, there is not commute time to consider here online! 09:56:46 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: unless Zoom asks you to update your version 10:00:10 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: smh 10:00:40 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 10:00:58 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: I was hoping Alisa would have a SITT themed waterfall using her greenscreen but I will accept the honorary zoom background she was asked to use. 10:01:18 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 10:01:21 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: (Alisa has fancy green screen technologies if anyone hasn't seen!) 10:01:32 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: It is SO fancy! 10:01:49 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Dr. Alisa Shubb: https://communication.ucdavis.edu/people/shubba 10:05:06 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: This is such a great continuation of the conversation in the Q&A of the last talk! 10:07:42 From Patricia Turner to Everyone: We talk about immediacy in the Seminar on College Teaching...super powerful concept in teaching! 10:12:31 From Matthew Butner to Everyone: Was reading the textbook optional? 10:14:00 From SUSAN ABPLANALP to Everyone: I love the idea of the short aggie video- my studios are 3 hours long and students have to go through and find the demos 10:15:23 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: I guess a quick workaround for super long videos would be to have some time-stamps in the description to help students find certain points but it might make students ignore the rest of the video and miss other important information. 10:16:27 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: ^ Great idea, Mark! Sort of like a table of contents for the video. 10:17:45 From Matthew Butner to Everyone: @Mark I have my TAs timestamp my lecture recordings and once my students figure out that they are doing this (even though I do tell them we do this) I think they find it useful. It definitely makes it easier for me to refer students back to a lecture if I have to. 10:18:59 From SUSAN ABPLANALP to Everyone: @Matthew, that sounds very useful 10:19:56 From Matthew Butner to Everyone: Aggie Video does make it pretty easy though if you want to clip out pieces of a recording if you do want to turn certain parts into standalone videos. 10:21:21 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: ^ Yes! Our ID team would be happy to work with anyone on any of these techniques for making videos shorter or more easily navigable for students - instructionaldesign@ucdavis.edu 10:22:29 From Mark Wilson to Everyone: We also have on-campus media production resources in our eLearning Studio if you're interested in self-producing instructional videos with great lighting and sound. Contact elearningstudio@ucdavis.edu for a consultation. 10:29:06 From SUSAN ABPLANALP to Everyone: @ Mark Thank you! 10:29:42 From Patricia Turner to Everyone: Relating course content to students' personal experience - love this as a method for getting students engaged! 10:30:44 From Andy Jones to Everyone: Learning how to tie different necktie knots was my first practical use of YouTube. 10:32:04 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: Wonderful presentation and super helpful information! 10:32:46 From SUSAN ABPLANALP to Everyone: Thank you Alisa for a wonderful and informative presentation! 10:33:08 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: Haha, I've often given this answer. "Is this optional?" "Yes, you can choose to get a 0 on it" (but there is a makeup option if you miss one) 10:36:50 From Andy Jones to Everyone: Mark Twain said "Comparison is the death of joy.” 10:40:04 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 11am with Jennier Mullin! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdOmqpz0vHdfp5xu9XPInJ1GcWBi9SHOQ 10:43:51 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please provide feedback on this session by completing the Zoom poll on your screen. **SITT 2022 Feedback Survey** If this is your last SITT talk with us this year, please provide ATS with your feedback in the SITT 2022 feedback form: https://bit.ly/SITT2022feedback 10:43:58 From Maria-Cecilia Gomez to Everyone: That was great!!!! 10:44:14 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: Thank you, Alisa! 10:44:27 From Patricia Turner to Everyone: Thank you, Alisa! So many great ways to make lectures more interactive! 10:44:36 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 11am with Jennifer Mullin! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdOmqpz0vHdfp5xu9XPInJ1GcWBi9SHOQ 10:47:13 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: kind of like when you see the micrphone unmute in Zoom 10:47:35 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: yes - watching the unmute is the new hand raise 🤣 10:47:41 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: he he exactly