10:00:13 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: You could always just hang a tennis ball from your ceiling… 10:00:40 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: I put some googly eyes on my webcam last year but they fell off and I forgot about that until just now 10:00:54 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: @mark - ha ha awesome 10:01:22 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 10:01:31 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Dr. Jeanette Ruiz: http://www.jeanettebruiz.ucdavis.edu/ 10:12:23 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: Many students also loaded up on extra units, thinking they would have more time somehow. Probably did not help them here. 10:13:09 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Agree with Talitha and many of mine told me the also worked, sometimes even full-time while taking a normal load of classes. 10:13:16 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: ^yes 10:17:48 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Canvas Announcements: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-are-Announcements/ta-p/39 10:21:24 From Joel Ledford to Everyone: I am curious about encouraging lots of interaction in class with AL strategies while balancing safety. 10:21:37 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: my handle on discord is @definitelynottheprof 10:21:59 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: 🤣^ Mona 10:22:05 From Joan Frank to Everyone: I created “town halls” for students on Zoom based on a survey of student availability. Those that used it really liked connecting and studying with each other! I offered 4 times per week. 10:22:13 From Bwalya Lungu to Everyone: I think I will have to copy that handle lol 10:22:19 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: @Joel, what are AL strategies? 10:22:21 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: I made Discords for my large classes. So it is clear this is a sanctioned one. I operate as Dr. T. 10:22:43 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: Mona, that is awesome, haha 10:22:55 From Joel Ledford to Everyone: @ Mark active learning 10:22:56 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: @Joel @Mark AL = active learning? 10:23:44 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: love this idea, will do it! 10:29:34 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Interview with Katharine Burnett: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/interview-burnett 10:30:34 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: In part, the sense of compassion might have been some more vulnerability as we clearly struggled to adapt (as students do too). Transparency + openness about why doing what you're doing. 10:31:14 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: Quote, send tweet 10:31:31 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: @mark perfectly said 10:32:26 From Janine Wilson to Everyone: ^^ 10:32:51 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: “I think I WAS 12 when I started here.” - Dr. Andy ;) 10:35:29 From G Diaz to Everyone: Hello. I’m part-time faculty… can someone please explain LMS or let me know where to find some information about it? 10:35:34 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: i always encouraged attendance pre-pand. but didn’t keep track and always posted lecture capture. i figured they are adults and can make that decision 10:35:41 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: Learning Management system (Canvas for us) 10:35:49 From G Diaz to Everyone: Oh OK thanks 10:36:12 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: ^^Mona, this is big kid school.

Even f we know it is better for them to come to class 10:36:22 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: @G Diaz - you can find resources here for Canvas - https://canvashelp.ucdavis.edu/ 10:36:46 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: i would give them “data” on why it would help learning to attend! 10:36:47 From G Diaz to Everyone: Thanks I use Canvas and was prior to 2020, just wasn’t sure what LMS stood for. 10:37:17 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Conversation about due dates from yesterday in Janine Wilsons’ talk - we’ll have the video up next week, but the chat is posted now - https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/join-live-talks/live-talk-wilson 10:39:16 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: just listened to a podcast with Brene Brown and she said she found the most compassionate people had the strongest boundaries 10:39:39 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: ❤️ Brene! 10:41:08 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 11am with Joe Anistranski! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUof-isqDgvHN3_aRR_OS7pz9m5jPv5gk1y 10:41:11 From G Diaz to Everyone: Any chance there is specific data on first-generation or other minorities students regarding online learning during a pandemic? (I am teaching online this fall, possibly also in the winter - due to having a dependent at home that is still ineligible for vaccine.) 10:41:24 From G Diaz to Everyone: *minoritized students 10:41:26 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: **SITT 2021 Feedback Survey** https://bit.ly/SITT2021eval Please provide ATS with your feedback! You can go back and edit your responses throughout SITT. 10:41:37 From Andy Jones to Everyone: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. https://smile.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-Proven-Build-Break/dp/0593189647/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PI847DVKOGAM&dchild=1&keywords=atomic+habits&qid=1631295533&sprefix=atomic+habits%2Caps%2C273&sr=8-1 10:42:55 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: @G Diaz - our colleagues at the Center for Educational Effectiveness have a lot of data about students and might have the data you are looking for. You can reach out to them at cee@ucdavis.edu 10:43:13 From G Diaz to Everyone: Perfect thanks @MargaretMerrill 10:43:28 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: i tell them the P in PhD stands for persistence 10:43:45 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: ^ 🖤 10:43:56 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: @G Diaz, I think there's much in the pipeline (can't say more as a reviewer) and will be a focal point of AERA 2022 as well as some upcoming special issues of journals 10:44:39 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: I’ve had several 1-on-1 conversations and email exchanges with students to tell them it was not a mistake that they were here. So true, but they don’t always believe it. 10:44:40 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 11am with Joe Anistranski! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUof-isqDgvHN3_aRR_OS7pz9m5jPv5gk1y 10:46:26 From G Diaz to Everyone: Thanks @Joe Anistranski, good to know 10:47:17 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: Slant rhymes count! 10:47:25 From Diane Beckles to Everyone: thank you