Join us for a Faculty Panel about MOOCs tomorrow

I hope you"ll be able to join us for the faculty panel about MOOCs tomorrow, April 19, at 12pm in 1310 Surge III. You"ll find the invitation below. 

Almost any conversation about educational technology these days turns to MOOCs [massive open online courses] within the first fifteen minutes. For this month’s faculty panel, we’re going to open the floor to this topic.

We’ll be joined by two UC Davis faculty as panelists, though everyone will be encouraged to participate. John Owens, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, will start off the conversation by discussing the MOOC he created with online educational organization Udacity, a topic he discusses in his essay “ For another perspective on MOOCs, we will also be joined by Norman Matloff, the professor of computer science who recently published the article  on

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