00:19:56 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 00:23:00 Margaret Merrill (she | her): UC Davis SoTL Call for Submissions, open until Sept 16th: https://sotl.ucdavis.edu/proposal-submission 00:23:51 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us next week for ATS Ed Tech Week - https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/edtechweek Please join us throughout the academic year for the Ed Tech Spotlight Series, a series of monthly webinars to introduce and guide instructors in using some of our campus-supported tools: https://canvashelp.ucdavis.edu/news/ed-tech-spotlight-series 00:25:15 Lillian Jones: @Lily_Jones20 00:25:19 Lillian Jones: #UCDavisSITT 00:25:21 Lillian Jones: #HeardatSITT2022 00:26:12 Lauren Renee Frausto: Follow along at @ucdaviswheel! 00:31:11 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Dr. Julia Chamberlain: https://chemistry.ucdavis.edu/people/julia-chamberlain 00:32:05 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 00:32:34 Matthew Butner: yep 00:32:37 Matthew Butner: looks good 00:40:33 Andy Jones: Everyone should discover, as Tor Cross says in her on-demand talk, why "Gradescope is Amazing!” 00:40:37 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Here is the link to Tor’s Gradescope talk that Julia mentioned - https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/sitt-2022-on-demand/faculty-talk-gradescope 00:42:28 Margaret Merrill (she | her): AggieVideo: https://video.ucdavis.edu/ 00:43:06 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Short video on "what is AggieVideo?”: https://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=6134 00:44:38 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Here is a Knowledge Base article that walks through the editing process that Julia is talking about - editing and using previous quarter Lecture Capture videos: https://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=5724 00:51:38 Matthew Butner: When the students engage with the class has shifted 00:51:47 Matthew Butner: less upfront 00:52:06 Mark Verbitsky: Lower screen: more passive at the start and end whereas above, more student activity at the start 00:52:38 Ian Korf: Not that much different 00:52:38 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Less instructor admin in the lower one. 00:54:08 VIctoria Cross: shorter bursts of students talking 00:55:19 Heather Hether: Right - you may have already been very active with this particular lecture? 00:55:41 Mark Verbitsky: Much more student talking (orange) in new version 00:55:42 Erik Fausak: a lot more blue and orange 00:55:46 Robert Blake: Lots more students talking 00:55:52 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Lots more orange and blue in the lower one - students talking and instuctor guiding. 00:56:09 Erik Fausak: more admin on lower one which seemed opposite on last slide 00:56:21 Azra Jahanitabesh: more active learning in a new version 00:58:20 Margaret Merrill (she | her): WOW! 01:05:37 Azra Jahanitabesh: Thank you very much for your informative talk. Can I ask about your policy for students' class attendance? 01:06:25 Alisa Shubb: Inspiring work! Thank you for this presentation 01:07:27 Matthew Butner: From my personal experience, recordings of lectures aren't as good a dedicated video on a topic. They are two very different media/mediums and how you do each is very different/ 01:07:41 Matthew Butner: It's a lot of work though 01:08:03 Debbie Fetter: Creating new videos takes a ton of time! This has been my summer project :) Thank you ATS for helping me!!!! 01:08:10 Mark Verbitsky: Yes, making fresh videos will probably be more focused and shorter for the students but definitely much more work. 01:08:39 Azra Jahanitabesh: Thanks! 01:08:41 Ian Korf: What did you do about in-person exams when some fraction of the students had COVID? 01:08:45 Debbie Fetter: Excellent presentation Julia!!! Did you survey your students to see how many/how often they completed the pre-work? 01:09:19 Margaret Merrill (she | her): ATS has some small grants (ETRAs) available to support you in making instructional videos: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/blog/free-what-whats-etra 01:11:37 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Julia mentioned 2-stage exams - Miriam Markum talks about two-stage exams in her SITT interview with Andy: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/sitt-2022-on-demand/sitt-2022-interview-markum 01:12:06 R. Holland Cheng: does the pre-lecture clips come with outlines to guide? Some students may prefer reading than watching 01:12:29 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us for our next session at 10am with Patricia Turner! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkcuuhqD8pE9Jj93GSZwgsS8HmX4W2RRba 01:14:17 Matthew Butner: Have you considered using PlayPosIt on your videos? 01:16:14 Matthew Butner: Do you timestamp your videos or are things named well enough/organized for students to find information in the recordings without them? 01:16:35 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us for our next session at 10am with Patricia Turner! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkcuuhqD8pE9Jj93GSZwgsS8HmX4W2RRba 01:17:07 Matthew Butner: Did student grades increase at all? 01:18:01 Lillian Jones: Or maybe some kind of form where students can submit questions early/before class? LIke our panel structure today! 01:18:25 Lillian Jones: Great presentation, Julia! thank you for sharing! 01:19:25 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please provide feedback on this session by completing the Zoom poll on your screen. **SITT 2022 Feedback Survey** If this is your last SITT talk with us this year, please provide ATS with your feedback in the SITT 2022 feedback form: https://bit.ly/SITT2022feedback 01:19:59 Ian Korf: Thanks Julia 01:20:04 Amos Hammar: Thank you! 01:20:06 Heather Hether: Wonderful talk! 01:21:30 Matthew Butner: I know the stats say that your courses are still very similar but do you feel like what you were doing in lectures changed at all? 01:22:27 Steve Faith: Playposit: It is better to have loved and lost, than not have loved at all 01:23:16 Lillian Jones: and you can see certain themes emerge too 🙂 01:24:02 Lillian Jones: Thank you!! 01:24:08 Lacey Boatman: Thank you!! 01:24:12 Azra Jahanitabesh: Thank you! 01:24:14 Erik Fausak: thank you! 01:24:16 Julia Chamberlain: I will stay until Patricia's talk!