00:22:20 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 00:24:16 Margaret Merrill (she | her): SITT on-demand content: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/sitt-2022-on-demand 00:26:57 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Regular ATS faculty events: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/faculty-events 00:27:44 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us next week for ATS Ed Tech Week - https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/edtechweek 00:29:11 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Consult with us! instructionaldesign@ucdavis.edu 00:29:33 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us throughout the academic year for the Ed Tech Spotlight Series, a series of monthly webinars to introduce and guide instructors in using some of our campus-supported tools: https://canvashelp.ucdavis.edu/news/ed-tech-spotlight-series 00:31:12 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Tor Cross’s on-demand talk on Gradescope: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/sitt-2022-on-demand/faculty-talk-gradescope 00:31:23 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Dr. Debbie Fetter: https://nutrition.ucdavis.edu/people/debbie-fetter 00:32:00 VIctoria Cross: Clarification - beheading paper and staples, not students or TAs. 00:32:13 Debbie Fetter: @Tor LOL 00:32:14 Margaret Merrill (she | her): 🤣 00:33:15 SUSAN ABPLANALP: Happy Friday! 00:33:23 Lillian Jones: @TorCros - ha ha ha 00:33:24 Lillian Jones: *Cross 00:36:14 Andy Jones: I'm smiling at these examples. I can see why that was watched 26 million times. Clearly I need to integrate more potatoes into my writing classes. 00:38:35 Andy Jones: Some students seemed a bit resentful that I expected them to attend all our class meetings. 00:38:36 Lauren Au: In Winter 2022, when we switched halfway to in-person, really low enrollment 00:38:41 Michael Mienaltowski: 75-85% attendance for large lecture/discussion class to 33%-50% attendance 00:38:44 Mark Verbitsky: FQ + WQ, definitely far fewer students in classes when I didn't have an attendance policy (which I changed for SQ) 00:38:45 Elyssa Fogleman: Definitely fewer people coming to class 00:38:48 Teresa Steele: Attendance was dreadful, even in a small, hands-on lab course 00:38:51 Francene Steinberg: very few students show up... 00:38:55 VIctoria Cross: disengagement followed by confusion at not learning the material 00:38:55 Andrew Gravelle: Attendance drop-off in Fall 2021 00:38:59 Arnold Bloom: No, but I have been teaching online for over a decade. 00:38:59 Lauren Au: burnout 00:39:00 Janine Wilson: Massive drop in attendance as well. Fewer questions during lecture. 00:39:08 Julia Chamberlain: *sarcasm* I don't have this problem because I never measure attendance. 00:39:09 Joan Frank: motivated students showed up; unmotivated struggled to attend 00:39:12 Charlotte Glennie: Terrible attendance rates, even in mandatory labs 00:39:13 Patricia Turner: Fewer people coming to class, a bit of anxiety among some of those who came… 00:39:23 Teresa Steele: Trying to juggle many family and work commitments 00:39:25 Charlotte Glennie: Resistance to in-person testing 00:39:30 Mark Verbitsky: Also a lot more mental health issues coming up 00:39:36 Michael Mienaltowski: Non-attending students not watching videos were really falling behind 00:39:52 SUSAN ABPLANALP: In my drawing studio class the students appreciate the recorded demos so they could review- there was a handful that only attended remotely even though the class was face to face 00:40:04 Joan Frank: more students working during class time and expecting to be accommodated via zoom 00:40:08 Elizabeth Langridge-Noti: Attendance was really tied to need (policy) and interest (actually doing something)... 00:41:48 Julia Chamberlain: Students want connection to peers. 00:42:03 Lauren Au: iClicker poll questions in-class for extra credit points 00:42:08 Elizabeth Langridge-Noti: They want to feel that they are doing something in class that they couldn't do on their own at home. 00:42:16 Mark Verbitsky: Attendance policy still had flexibility to make up absences, but students said they appreciated the prompt to be in class. 00:42:16 Julia Chamberlain: I try to inclucde more “turn and talk" activies so they can meet their classmates and work together. 00:42:21 Andy Jones: I accommodate student with health issues 100%, but I don't always announce that strategy so as not to invite manipulation of a policy. 00:42:30 Joan Frank: Students like the chat function in zoom; hard to do in class 00:42:38 Mark Verbitsky: They definitely wanted something more than lecture that they could watch on a video 00:42:39 Margaret Merrill (she | her): iCLICKER: Whitney Duim did a great on-demand talk on a range of question types: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/sitt-2022-on-demand/faculty-talk-diverse-questions-types-iclicker 00:42:53 Janine Wilson: Dropping lowest assignments so that they can have a bad day without destroying their grades 00:43:00 SUSAN ABPLANALP: I accommodate the due dates but it tends to snowball during the quarter system because they can only be extended so far 00:43:33 Elizabeth Langridge-Noti: due date/late date grading 00:45:32 SUSAN ABPLANALP: Is your lecture capture done with zoom 00:46:08 Arnold Bloom: For a copy of a study comparing performance of students taking a UCD course online or face-to-face, click on https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00506-6 00:46:19 Amy Kim: You can request the lecture capture here: https://iet.ucdavis.edu/units/enterprise-iet/academic-applications/ats/lecture-capture 00:46:28 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Information about ATS' Classroom Lecture Capture service: https://keepteaching.ucdavis.edu/teach/classroom-lecture-capture 00:46:49 Julia Chamberlain: @Susan, Lecture capture is included (as an option) in the large lecture halls. ATS records and connects it to your Canvas seamlessly. I love it! 00:47:27 SUSAN ABPLANALP: thank you Julia 00:47:35 Julia Chamberlain: The link Margaret posted probably has a link to all the classrooms with this service. Some have video and some do not (video of the professor). Nearly all have screencapture. 00:47:46 Lillian Jones: LectureCapture team is amazing! 00:48:27 Julia Chamberlain: ^Agreed! LC has been expanded a lot, and it’s more than a handful of classrooms. 00:48:36 Amy Kim: I like to provide recoding lectures by Lecture Capture. Students like it because it gives flexibility. However, I found out it doesn't help the attendance rate.. 00:48:58 Amy Kim: Also students liked they can watch recording multiple times before exams. 00:51:30 VIctoria Cross: I am concerned about students who __intend__ to watch the recorded lecture but time slips away and their intentions are not transformed into meaningful learning. 00:52:39 Margaret Merrill (she | her): We have had several faculty events with presentations and discussion about using Lecture Capture - you can find the recordings here: https://video.ucdavis.edu/channel/ATS%2Bchannel/27284022?keyword=lecture%20capture&sortBy=relevance&categoryId=27284022 00:52:57 Margaret Merrill (she | her): ^Those events are faculty sharing their experiences. 00:53:00 Andy Jones: I agree with @Tor, above, about intention. Even for ourselves, we might consider how our impressive bookshelves represent our wish to have had time to have read all those books. 00:53:04 Teresa Steele: Did most everyone who attended in person have a device to access Canvas in class? 00:53:35 Mark Verbitsky: @Tor, definitely. That's why I think there needs to be some sort of pressure to watch lecture videos earlier, e.g. some questions or grade hinging on watching the videos soon 00:56:38 SUSAN ABPLANALP: Does anyone else find the discussion board in canvas helpful to engage students with other classmates? 00:57:05 Julia Chamberlain: At least one (of the myriad papers on lecture capture's pros and cons) mentions that the negative effect it has on student performance is when students intend to watch, but then don’t. To me this suggests that when students do watch the videos, they still get much of the value. I like how Debbie's activities are getting students to watch the videos, and at least not miss the lecture entirely because of the false sense of security that they can watch it later. 00:58:32 Mark Verbitsky: @susan, somewhat, I have subset of students have an article discussion and they engage to the extent that they're required to make a certain amount of posts (graded mostly on completion beyond "cool" "great point" level), but it hasn't expanded to student-led posts. 01:00:42 Janine Wilson: @susan, I usually start with responses to an article I post, then students provide links to articles they find, then they comment on articles posted by their peers. This seems to drag them into sincere participation. 01:01:30 SUSAN ABPLANALP: @ Mark, @Janine, 01:01:37 SUSAN ABPLANALP: Thank you! 01:01:46 Julia Chamberlain: I think this is the paper I'm thinking of: 01:01:47 Julia Chamberlain: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10734-018-0275-9 01:02:22 Mark Verbitsky: ^ thanks Julia 01:04:41 Janine Wilson: I need to take your class Debbie! You may find me sitting in the back. 01:04:49 Patricia Turner: Love this idea! 01:04:59 Mark Verbitsky: Kahoot works well for gameshow style review quiz 01:05:43 Lillian Jones: ^ yes! 01:05:49 Lillian Jones: And my students told me about Blooket the other day 01:06:35 Andy Jones: Question from Teresa in the chat: Did most everyone who attended in person have a device to access Canvas in class? 01:06:47 Julia Chamberlain: I love how these activities that Debbie has implemented are an incentive to come and to stay current with lecture, rather than a punishment if you physically can't (or shouldn't) attend in person. 01:07:07 Melinda M. Livas: Mentimeter is an excellent "real time" formative assessment tool- https://www.mentimeter.com/ 01:07:34 Margaret Merrill (she | her): One way to get around not EVERY student having a device is to have them do the activity in pairs or groups. Different for individual accountability, but a way for them to still participate. 01:08:58 Joan Frank: I've recently noticed more students with tablets rather than laptops! 01:12:16 Margaret Merrill (she | her): If you missed Julia's great talk yesterday, we'll be posting the recording within the next few days on The Wheel - wheel.ucdavis.edu 01:13:03 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Have that chat at one of our Faculty Forums!! 01:13:06 Julia Chamberlain: Let’s do it! 01:13:14 Julia Chamberlain: I'm in. 01:14:30 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us for our next session at 11am with Jennier Mullin! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdOmqpz0vHdfp5xu9XPInJ1GcWBi9SHOQ 01:14:51 Julia Chamberlain: My "extra credit" is also small, and is awarded for completing all work on time, so it's kind of the opposite of a big "extra” task at the end of the term. 01:14:55 Janine Wilson: As long as extra credit gets them engaged!!! I'll take it. 01:14:59 Steve Faith: You can even market it with terms like “Bonus Extra Credit” and "Platinum Extra Credit” 01:15:05 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Oops, but first, please join us for our next session at 10am with Alisa Shubb! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqf-igrDkpGNPUjN7xGK3Cz6QxE-BB5e4C 01:16:24 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please provide feedback on this session by completing the Zoom poll on your screen. **SITT 2022 Feedback Survey** If this is your last SITT talk with us this year, please provide ATS with your feedback in the SITT 2022 feedback form: https://bit.ly/SITT2022feedback 01:16:32 Joan Frank: Thanks Debbie! Excellent presentation! 01:16:46 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Please join us for our next session at 10am with Alisa Shubb! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqf-igrDkpGNPUjN7xGK3Cz6QxE-BB5e4C 01:17:05 SUSAN ABPLANALP: Thank you Debbie for a wonderful presentation with so many inspiring ideas 01:17:11 Patricia Turner: Great presentation - thank you, Debbie! 01:17:19 Lauren Au: Thanks Debbie - great talk! 01:17:19 Margaret Merrill (she | her): Thanks, Debbie! That was great!! 01:17:26 Janine Wilson: Thanks Debbie!