11:00:56 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 11:01:26 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Dr. Tor Cross: http://vlcross.ucdavis.edu/ 11:05:23 From Andy Jones to Everyone: “We are all deadline junkies at heart.” Tor Cross 11:07:34 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: I want to take that class, actually lol 11:07:42 From Janine Wilson to Everyone: I would skip to your class! 11:07:57 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: If only all our students were future teaching professors =) 11:08:02 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: love that…don’t skip the class, skip TO the class! 11:08:15 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: Yes, definitely, students taking P/NP estimate inaccurately what they need to do for a P grade 11:08:25 From Barb Byrne to Everyone: Yes, wait too long to review material for an exam 11:08:29 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: should I copy from Chegg or do it myself 11:08:31 From Laci Gerhart-Barley to Everyone: Yes, academic dishonesty 11:08:33 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: I extended a deadline - then students expected that the next time 11:08:42 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: (So, they decide they need to do X to earn a P grade but needed to do Y.) 11:08:43 From Andy Jones to Everyone: If I ever end class five minutes early, my students act like they’ve just been given an amazing gift. They want less than what they’ve paid for! 11:08:48 From Janine Wilson to Everyone: Watching all the videos the night before the exam and failing it. 11:08:49 From Sheena Campbell to Everyone: Need students to decide on their research topic early in the quarter—takes longer than they think :-) 11:09:03 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: @janine - YES 11:09:15 From Diane Beckles to Everyone: Students requesting flexible due dates - then regretting later when multiple assignments are due. 11:09:16 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: Start the homework without time to go to office hours, even if you needed last-minute office hours the last homework 11:09:36 From Joel Ledford to Everyone: Enrolling in too many units. 11:10:14 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: many of my students were working more hours/jobs because they had all the “free time” with asynch courses 11:10:16 From Andy Jones to Everyone: I have a colleague who is holding down two faculty jobs at two different universities, one in LA. 11:10:16 From Jennifer Mullin to Everyone: agreed! students taking too many credits an issue 11:13:16 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: Making and using a study plan. 11:13:19 From bettina ngweno to Everyone: Early preparation 11:13:22 From Laci Gerhart-Barley to Everyone: Not waiting till the last minute for assignments/study 11:13:24 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: starting early, get feedback on their prep 11:13:25 From Lisa Miller to Everyone: distributed learning 11:13:26 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: Sleep? 11:13:26 From Andy Jones to Everyone: Attending office hours. 11:13:27 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: More writing /drawing rather than MCs 11:13:32 From Kem Saichaie to Everyone: Making, using, and evaluating a study plan 11:13:42 From Lisa Miller to Everyone: practice remembering 11:13:42 From Janine Wilson to Everyone: They need to do work over time, not all at once. They should see my material each day for a short period of time. 11:13:46 From Maria Trnkova to Everyone: friends 11:13:49 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: less watching, reading and more active problem solving & group discussion 11:13:56 From Rob Furrow to Everyone: focusing on what they don't already know 11:13:57 From Andy Jones to Everyone: Writing multiple drafts before I see their responses to my assignments. 11:14:15 From Andy Jones to Everyone: Pomodoros. 11:14:17 From Bwalya Lungu to Everyone: Time management and priority setting 11:16:55 From talitha van der meulen to Everyone: Have to pick Kindergartner. Will be watching the video….later. 11:20:28 From bettina ngweno to Everyone: love the idea of flexible grading to reflect choice but how do you make it work practically in gradebook 11:22:54 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: Going to share the workload estimator with my students this year https://cat.wfu.edu/resources/tools/estimator2/ 11:22:54 From Jennifer Mullin to Everyone: good to know this stat! 11:23:45 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: Thanks Miriam! Looks great for time planning. 11:24:11 From Andy Jones to Everyone: I tell my students to devote ten times their expected time revising an essay compare to what they had scheduled in the past. 11:24:29 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: One of my takeaways from remote instruction is that I need to be more mindful of the workload I assign to the students…and myself! 11:24:46 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: (and TAs!) 11:25:05 From Rohit Thomas to Everyone: I don't think there's a way to do flexible grading with the Canvas Gradebook. You can use the Gradebook to record individual scores, set Canvas to hide totals, and then you have to calculate grades yourself using a spreadsheet. (If anyone knows of a way to do this in Canvas itself, please share!) 11:25:22 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: In previous quarters when I had students complain about the workload, I would have them report on their work every week (homework, projects, other work). Then when we talked about the Carnegie Rule as a class, we could discuss if this was too much or not 11:25:27 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: (Sometimes its too much) 11:25:28 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: @Mark - absolutely, esp on the grading side 11:25:47 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: ^ Bettina + Rohit, great question on how to implement flexibility in grading schemes 11:26:10 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: @Mark: My motto has been “Be kind to myself and be kind to my students” 11:26:32 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: @Rohit - Tor has an excellent approach…they get some points for a wide variety of assignments/tasks and they can choose which they take on to bring their total points to the grade level they want. 11:26:34 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: @Rohit, off the top of my head, you can _kind of_ do it via some creative steps in the assignment groups, but I'm curious to know what Tor does. 11:26:37 From Rob Furrow to Everyone: @Rohit, I believe you can do things like drop the lowest score. You do it by organizing the work into assignment groups. When you build your weightings, you can specify to drop the lowest graded assignment for a particular assignment group. 11:27:44 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: @Rohit, I suspect you could also use the “Excused” grade too 11:27:48 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: Ha, long-run relative frequency! 11:28:19 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Those with ideas and questions about flexible grading, please join us next week during ATS Ed Tech Week - on Tuesday the focus is on grading: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/edtechweek 11:28:22 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: I wish I could work on probabilistic thinking more in my classes, curious to know how much you emphasize that! 11:29:22 From VIctoria Cross to Everyone: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1dahXTWFztJIlOAPTGBpdZQD9sTB2lJHOYIaHL-WqkzE/edit?usp=sharing 11:29:40 From Andy Jones to Everyone: The Buddha and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross talked a lot about loss. Here’s an example from EKR: “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.” 11:31:11 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Click the breakout rooms icon at the bottom of your Zoom controls to see the topical breakout rooms and choose the one you want to join! 11:31:53 From Rob Furrow to Everyone: are we all waiting to see where others go? 11:32:00 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: I didn't know you could have this choice of breakout group 11:32:18 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: @Mark - it’s a relatively new feature of Zoom. 11:33:44 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Self-select breakout rooms: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206476313-Managing-Breakout-Rooms 11:37:10 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: For any who didn’t know about self-select breakout rooms: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206476313-Managing-Breakout-Rooms 11:38:03 From Erik Fausak to Everyone: Really great discussion in the attention group, like videos, doing frequent checkins (polls/chat questions) for students to understand the value of lecture and address pain points in the moment. 11:38:43 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: I'll flag Bettina and Rohit's question: how do you implement flexible grading schemes with gradebook? 11:39:25 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: now Tor is going to talk about strangling canvas people again! 11:40:52 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/faculty-talk-contract-grading 11:41:07 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: @Mark - you beat me to it! Thanks! 11:41:16 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: To encourage academic dishonestly due to last-minute panic (fast thinking), help them start it sooner…require a draft of a paper, have them talk about exam topics in class with peers, etc 11:43:30 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: I’ll miss the names on the squares! 11:43:38 From Sheena Campbell to Everyone: Gonna miss the chat feature 11:43:41 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: ^^^ you beat me to it! I struggle with names 11:43:43 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 12pm with Kem Saichaie, Cecilia Gomez, and Michelle Rossi! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApdOqspjgpH9SUwgWnox1VUkFjvd7P7UsZ 11:45:04 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: **SITT 2021 Feedback Survey** https://bit.ly/SITT2021eval Please provide ATS with your feedback! You can go back and edit your responses throughout SITT. 11:45:15 From Kelly King to Everyone: Thank you, Tor! 11:45:15 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: @Sheena, yeah, it's been notable that some people chat more often than they would have volunteered to speak out loud in class. Maybe think of ways to solicit questions before and after class as well. 11:45:16 From Kem Saichaie to Everyone: Thank you Tor! 11:45:24 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: Yeah Tor! 11:45:25 From Joshua Hori to Everyone: Thank you!! 11:45:34 From Miriam Martin to Everyone: @tor - will totally be watching this a second time… 11:45:39 From Jennifer Mullin to Everyone: Thank you Tor! 11:45:40 From Maria Trnkova to Everyone: Thank you Tor! 11:45:48 From Margaret Merrill to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 12pm with Kem Saichaie, Cecilia Gomez, and Michelle Rossi! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApdOqspjgpH9SUwgWnox1VUkFjvd7P7UsZ