08:47:07 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 08:48:18 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please join us next week for ATS Ed Tech Week - https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/edtechweek 08:49:02 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: We would love to bring our ATS Roadshow to your department or team meeting: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/2021/02/17/announcing-the-academic-technology-services-remote-teaching-roadshow/ 08:53:31 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Watch pre-recorded SITT content: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/recorded-content 08:54:34 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please join us at 12pm for a Faculty Forum to debrief and share lessons learned from SITT 2021! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkdOusrDIpHdOmB3dSCeHCMW0DalTbP-Ii 08:55:46 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: **SITT 2021 Feedback Survey** https://bit.ly/SITT2021eval Please provide ATS with your feedback! You can go back and edit your responses throughout SITT. 08:55:51 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Could someone please post the link to the asynchronous presentations Andy showed us a few minutes ago? 08:56:00 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Nevermind 08:56:04 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Just saw it. 08:56:09 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: For others : https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/recorded-content 08:56:51 From Andy Jones to Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsCSGSArvp8 08:57:05 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: Is it really Rick Astley? 08:57:06 From Robert Blake to Everyone: Jar, jar, jar 09:01:22 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: Awesome! 09:01:25 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: 🎤 👇 09:01:40 From Ruth Gustafson to Everyone: Hurrah, Andy! 09:01:55 From Robert Blake to Everyone: It is a tough job, but someone has to do it 09:02:03 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Live captions: To access the live captions provided by Zoom, select “Live Transcript” from the Zoom menu at the bottom of your screen, and then select “Show Subtitle.” If you prefer a running transcript, select “View Full Transcript.” 09:02:12 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Dr. Mark Verbitsky: https://ps.ucdavis.edu/people/mverbs 09:07:01 From Andy Jones to Everyone: “Dumpster fires give heat; they give light.” Mark Verbitsky 09:07:57 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 1. UC Davis Symposium on Assessment of Learning: https://assessment.ucdavis.edu/2021-Symposium CEE Student Learning Survey: https://cee.ucdavis.edu/news/insights-spring-2020-remote-instruction-results-surveys-remote-learning-and-teaching 09:09:28 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 2. Teaching with Video – Sept 15th: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/edtechweek 09:10:08 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 3. MV Course Orientation video: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/Pol%20153%20-%2001A%20-%20Welcome%20Video%20%2B%20Tech%20Orientation/1_el0dr8t9 09:11:05 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 4. MV Tutorial Video—How to Research: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/Pol%20153%20-%20Final%20Paper%20Tutorial/1_d1t6tbdd 09:11:45 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Kem and Michelle talked yesterday about how teaching students how to use the tech you’re asking them to use can be part of anti-racist pedagogy. 09:12:00 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 5. MV Tutorial Video—How to Read: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/Pol%20151%20-%20FQ19%20-%20Reading%20Barnette720/0_ntx631b5 MV DOLCEO—Demonstrating How to Read: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/MV%20Dolceo%2004-03-20.mp4/0_1ftc9xv6 09:12:47 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 6. Inviting Guest Speakers—Giovanni Circella interview: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/recorded-content/interview-circella 09:14:50 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: Are there any links or short videos about the self-done in-person lecture capture? This could be helpful to share with colleagues 09:16:07 From Shayma Hassouna to Everyone: I really want to use a camera in my classroom to record classes and LectureCapture are not responding to my email 09:16:17 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: The tech I started learning and loved during the pandemic was an online scheduler (calendy), so students can book appointments with me without email. It was awesome. I highly recommend to anyone teaching large classes. 09:17:34 From Robert Blake to Everyone: Why not do an Aggie Video afterwards with the main points of what happened in the lecture? There is nothing magical about the “live” classroom video 09:17:42 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: Aggie video is great for editing existing video. I used it a lot for this, to edit lecture captures from previous quarters. Students said they really loved the videos from a classroom, especially by the time we got to spring quarter and the pandemic had been going on so long. 09:18:04 From Robert Blake to Everyone: Should be very distilled. 09:18:34 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: I see these lecture captures as helpful for students unable to attend lecture, rather than just short recaps 09:18:47 From Janine Wilson (she/her) to Everyone: @Shayma, Is your classroom listed on the lecture capture site? https://iet.ucdavis.edu/units/enterprise-iet/academic-applications/ats/lecture-capture 09:19:03 From Shayma Hassouna to Everyone: No 09:19:52 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: #aggievideo for the win 09:19:55 From Janine Wilson (she/her) to Everyone: They will not be able to help you. You will need to make your own. 09:19:58 From Robert Blake to Everyone: Aggie Video is BOSS! 09:20:02 From Joel Ledford to Everyone: The videos that students most appreciated for me were “on location” videos like campus plant tours, on-site interviews, and virtual field trips. Not really classroom videos, but a bit outside of the box. 09:20:03 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: I could see using this setup to record students’ presentations, and have them re-watch their own presentation. (My class has Oral Literacy) 09:20:16 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: @Joel, very cool! 09:20:20 From Andy Jones to Everyone: “I can’t say enough good things about Aggie Video.” Julia Chamberlain 09:20:27 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: @Shayma - please also reach out to the registrar to request being moved into a Lecture Capture enabled classroom. That helps them know the need, and perhaps you can get into one! 09:20:49 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: @anyone from ATS, when will the lecture capture site be completely updated for this year (was last updated in July)? 09:21:42 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 7. Enhancing online presence—Jeanette Ruiz SITT 2020: https://video.ucdavis.edu/id/0_eqskrjc7?width=393&height=700&playerId=24976591 09:22:23 From Todd Van Zandt to Everyone: @Joe - That is the most updated information that we have from AV Engineering on completed upgrades. I believe they are still finalizing a few more rooms that are being worked on over this Summer. 09:22:26 From Andy Jones to Everyone: “Prove your humanity!” Mark Verbitsky 09:22:48 From Lisa Miller to Everyone: Will one-on-one appointments for lecture capture be available soon? Didn't see any slots when I last looked (Weds) 09:23:27 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 8. What do students want to know?—Mona Monafred SITT 2021: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/recorded-content/faculty-talk-student-inquiry 09:24:16 From Mark Wilson to Everyone: To consult with an ATS instructional designer about creating instructional media for your courses, contact instructionaldesign@ucdavis.edu to make an appointment. 09:25:41 From Mark Wilson to Everyone: And join us during Ed Tech Week next M-Th to pose your questions https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/edtechweek 09:26:25 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: @Mark it looks like you've taken advantage of Canvas supporting emoji. That's one of my favorite little tech tricks to connect to students. 09:26:26 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Sending messages to students from the Canvas Gradebook: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-send-a-message-to-students-from-the-Gradebook/ta-p/741 09:26:59 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: 9. Discussion boards for student community—Talitha van der Meulen SITT 2021: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/recorded-content/faculty-talk-online-discussion 09:27:39 From VIctoria Cross to Everyone: What are your plans for Discord in live classes? 09:27:52 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Overview of Canvas Discussion: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Video-Guide/Discussions-Overview-Instructors/ta-p/383769 09:29:07 From Todd Van Zandt to Everyone: @Lisa - The Lecture Capture service is not currently using ATS Scheduler for one-on-one appointments (if that’s what you meant by slots?). You can email lecturecapture@ucdavis.edu if you want to have a meeting to go over the integrated classroom lecture capture service in advance of the term. 09:33:22 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: I’m reminded of the classroom agreement, as a place to set expectations for appropriate use and respectful engagement. 09:33:42 From Lisa Miller to Everyone: I'd be interested in hearing the pros/cons of using various tools (Piazza, Canvas Discussion or Quizzes, Discord...) for in-class and out-of-class anonymous (or other) feedback that will help to engage students. 09:35:38 From Janine Wilson (she/her) to Everyone: Can we acknowledge that the chat was super helpful? Ask the students to write down what they would have listed in the chat. I will pause every 10 minutes the hear their chatter? Just an idea. 09:35:38 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: As a teacher, that is exactly my feeling (for my own attention) 09:36:02 From Andy Jones to Everyone: @Lisa: We in ATS will take your question on as a topic for a DOLCE or faculty forum this fall. Thanks! 09:36:16 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: @lisa students would set up discord and i would encourage it for support/interaction but asked to please put content questions on piazza. that i might pop into discord to say hi but would be regularly monitoring piazza with the TA 09:38:24 From Rachel Stumpf to Everyone: One tool that I've used to collect questions is the audience Q & A feature in Google slides--there's an on/off button so you can collect questions for specific windows of time as Janine suggested above. 09:38:35 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: PlayPosit allows interactions (graded or ungraded) to be placed in a video timeline: https://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=6199 09:39:31 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Check here for support documentation about tools like Piazza and PlayPosit: http://canvashelp.ucdavis.edu/campus-supported-tools 09:39:46 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: @Janine, beyond Mark's response, I think you just raised a major institutional issue. From my perspective, some of this should have fallen on the university to plan over the summer to support _us_ this fall without increasing instructor workload exponentially. I do not want to derail this conversation, but I think we should be asking critical questions of why there's not a clear institutional plan to help us navigate questions like yours. 09:40:09 From Andy Jones to Everyone: Regarding the use of surveys and low-stakes quizzes, do check out this pre-recorded SITT 2021 talk: What do students really want to know?: Making space for student inquiry in a high enrollment course, by Mona Monfared 09:42:10 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Here is the talk from last year’s SITT that Mark just mentioned: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/events/rapid-development-online-seminar-student-strategies-successful-remote-learning 09:42:54 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: About Canvas Scheduler: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-is-the-Scheduler/ta-p/11 09:43:10 From Susan Gentry to Everyone: I’ll be curious about in-person versus zoom office hours, in terms of whether students will want in-person interactions, or if its easier to stop by right after in-person class. I’m also wondering about outside office hours 09:43:20 From Ruth Gustafson to Everyone: Yes, definitely had less consults in Zoom/COVID time, too. I think that students being able to go back and view the recorded (what was synchronous) class session is the probable reason for this substantial drop. 09:43:37 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 10am with Jeanette Ruiz! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vdOitrz8tGd3jiV-GS9ZLycam45bjzw2z 09:43:45 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: **SITT 2021 Feedback Survey** https://bit.ly/SITT2021eval Please provide ATS with your feedback! You can go back and edit your responses throughout SITT. 09:44:18 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Link to Mona’s pre-recorded talk: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/faculty-talk-student-inquiry 09:45:09 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: Any other small or even large discoveries, things that you started doing during remote teaching that you want to keep doing? 09:45:19 From Debbie Fetter to Everyone: Since spring 2020 I’ve been holding a weekly study hall in place of an office hour and attendance increased to around 30 students each week and it provided a low-stakes opportunity to review the material and get to know their peers—I did a talk on this at last year’s SITT 09:45:22 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Since they are ungraded, how many students answered them? 09:45:50 From Andy Jones to Everyone: This has been a really effective presentation and a fruitful discussion. Thanks Mark and everyone! 09:45:50 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: @elisabeth ungraded but they got credit 09:45:55 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: @Elisabeth I give extra credit on the ungraded survey, usually get >200 responses out of 240 students 09:45:57 From Debbie Fetter to Everyone: Excellent talk Mark! Thank you!! 09:45:58 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: graded for completion 09:45:58 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Please join us for our next session at 10am with Jeanette Ruiz! Register here: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vdOitrz8tGd3jiV-GS9ZLycam45bjzw2z 09:46:08 From Julia Chamberlain to Everyone: Great talk, Mark! Thank you. 09:46:28 From Mona Monfared to Everyone: great job mark!! thank you! 09:46:50 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Thanks, Mark! 09:46:55 From Lillian Jones to Everyone: @Lily_Jones20 09:47:02 From Mark Verbitsky to Everyone: IF you want to look up links later on, chat will probably be saved but you can save it now by clicking on those three buttons above the chat field 09:47:07 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Did we need to register for each talk? 09:47:11 From Lauren Renee Frausto to Everyone: Thanks, Dr. Andy! 09:47:14 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: We are saving and will post the chat! 09:47:21 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: Yes, please register for each live event for the Zoom link. 09:47:30 From Joe Anistranski to Everyone: Thank you! 09:47:33 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: @Elizabeth ^ 09:47:42 From Elisabeth Lore to Everyone: Okay 09:48:48 From Margaret Merrill (she | her) to Everyone: https://wheel.ucdavis.edu/join-live-talks