
Canvas Town Hall on September 30th at noon -- join us in 1310 Surge III / The Grove

Canvas Town Hall

Friday, September 30th at Noon

1310 Surge III / The Grove


Many faculty at UC Davis have questions about Canvas, our new Learning Management System. Many have attended introductory workshops, but now that we are ten days into the quarter, we may have more advanced questions about assignments, grading, and the use of media in our classes.

As we always love to know how faculty are responding to new technologies, this coming Friday we will be holding a Canvas Town Hall to hear from you and answer your Canvas questions. We anticipate at least four kinds of interactions:
  1. Some faculty will need a problem or usage explained, something we will gladly do while projecting the “fix” to everyone who can attend.
  2. Some faculty will have big-picture questions about Canvas, about differences between Canvas and SmartSite, and about the future of the learning management system at UC Davis.
  3. Some faculty will not yet have moved, and will want to hear from colleagues about their experiences before moving over their classes in the winter or spring of 2017.
  4. Others will have heard rumors or concerns, and would like those explained, dispelled, or even confirmed.
Present to address all these needs and questions will be Todd Van Zandt, our UC Davis LMS program manager; Steve Faith, the instructional technologist who has given more Canvas workshops than anyone else in Yolo County; Joey Van Buskirk, lead Educational Technology Partner; and Dr. Andy Jones, your host and a longtime Canvas user who is teaching two classes with Canvas this quarter.

We hope you will join us on September 30th at noon in 1310 Surge III, also known as The Grove. See you then!

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