Faculty Talk - Student inquiry

What do students really want to know?: Making space for student inquiry in a high enrollment course

Mona Monfared



To promote engagement and gather student feedback, I used weekly Canvas quizzes/surveys in my asynchronous courses this past year. I tacked on "Any other questions or comments?" to the end of many of the surveys, and I was surprised to see what students asked -- I had assumed there would be only questions or comments about course logistics or content. With the help of a recent UCD graduate, Joseph Gonzalez, we combed through the answers to this simple question to capture: What do students *really* want to know?

Link to the video: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/SITT+2021+-+What+do+students+really+want+to+knowFA+Making+space+for+student+inquiry+in+a+high+enrollment+course/1_5kt1ylsj

About the Presenter

As an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department, Mona teaches biochemistry lecture courses and conducts research in the realm of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Her pedagogy interests include incorporating written assignments into large biochemistry courses to promote engagement and practice with communication and peer review. She is also interested in research that explores conceptual, rather than procedural or algorithmic, approaches to problem solving skills in biochemistry. Mona received her BA in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from UC Santa Cruz and worked in the biotech industry in the SF bay area for several years before joining the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology PhD program at UC Davis. Following a postdoctoral position at UC Berkeley studying plant Molecular Genetics, she was a full time adjunct lecturer at Holy Names University and Santa Clara University before coming to UC Davis in 2015.

Mona Monfared