Live Talk Details - Erkin Seker

Experiential Learning in a Biomedical Device Engineering Course: Proposal Development, Raw Research Data-Based Assignments, Educational Computer Games

Erkin Seker
Friday, September 15th, 2023
10:00-10:45 am


I'll describe a graduate-level miniaturized biomedical device engineering course that I have developed and taught over the last decade in in-person, remote, and hybrid formats. The course employs experiential learning components, including a proposal development and review that mimics the National Institutes of Health process, technical assignments that use raw research data, and computer game-based microfabrication exercises. I'll discuss the course structure and components, and how they can be applied to different courses and instructional formats.

Reference publication: Goshi, Girardi, Kim, Seker. Journal of Biomedical Engineering Education (2022). []

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About the Presenter

Erkin Şeker is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Co-Director for the Center for Neuroengineering and Medicine, and the Chair of the newly-established Designated Emphasis in Neuroengineering. His research and teaching interests are at the intersection of micro-/nano-technology and its applications to microelectronics and medicine. He is the recipient of a UC Davis - Graduate Studies Distinguished Graduate and Postdoctoral Mentorship Award, UC Davis - Departmental Excellence in Teaching Award, an NSF CAREER Award, and an NIH NIBIB Trailblazer Award.

Erkin Seker