wagon wheel leaning against a wagon

Video from the April’s DOLCE on student engagement and the multi-phase syllabus

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Thanks to everyone who attended our DOLCE on Friday, April 5th. We enjoyed the engaging presentation from Victoria Cross speaking on “Encouraging and rewarding attendance and engagement without coercion.” Tor grades using a fascinating point-based system where a superfluity of available points provides students the autonomy to create their own path towards a passing grade in her Psychology classes.

Rob Furrow spoke on “Student Engagement and the Multi-Phase Syllabus,” reminding us that creative redundancy of resources in a Canvas course site can help students feel oriented no matter how and where they look to be updated on course-related obligations. Furrow is an assistant professor of teaching in Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology.

Enjoy this short preview before you review the full recording.

Please plan to join us every first and third Friday of the month at noon (via Zoom) for forums like this one.

Dr. Andy Jones
Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services
Editor in Chief, The Wheel
University of California, Davis

Access the Zoom chat from the event.

Resources shared during Tor Cross’ talk:


Resources shared during Rob Furrow’s talk:

Image by C B from Pixabay

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