
Joshua Hori on Accessible Teaching: A SITT Interview with Dr. Andy

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Please check out our SITT 2022 interview with Joshua Hori!

As a teaser for the 2022 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology, we are posting a series of Wheel articles showcasing interviews with faculty and staff on the theme of this year's SITT, "Unmuting our students." The second of our interviews features Joshua Hori of Academic Technology Services; this year Hori has embraced his new role as Accessibility Coordinator.

Joshua Hori focuses on providing the technologies and faculty support to create teaching and learning resources, lessons, and activities that meet the need of all our students, regardless of learning style or disability. This conversation with Dr. Andy Jones covers some of the supported approaches adopted by UC Davis faculty to teach our students who are still facing pandemic-related challenges, who speak multiple languages, and who excel in our classes while negotiating disabilities of various sorts, including learning disabilities.

We invite you to review the full interview with Joshua Hori! Expect more prerecorded SITT content to be shared here throughout August and September, 2022.

As the SITT website is now live, please sign up now for live talks and start to review the on-demand content. We will have speakers, panels, and forums for attendee participation. Also, please contact us if you know a perhaps new (or new to SITT) colleague whom we could contact directly to invite to join us. We hope to see you at SITT 2022!

Dr. Andy Jones

Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services
Editor in Chief, The Wheel
University of California, Davis

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