In addition to live events on September 8 and 9, SITT 2022 features pre-recorded talks from UC Davis faculty and interviews hosted by our SITT master of ceremonies, Dr. Andy Jones. The alphabetical index on this page links out to detail pages for each presentation.
New for this year’s program, we’re including live panels on September 8 to give SITT attendees and asynchronous presenters a chance to ask and answer questions and briefly discuss the pre-recorded talks. Presenters included in the panel session are noted with a diamond ♦, and you can submit questions ahead of time using the SITT 2022 Panel Questions survey.
- A conversation about purposeful and effective teaching with Joe Anistranski (interview with Dr. Andy)
- Open Pedagogy & Publishing: Student-Authored OER, by Sheena Campbell (presentation) ♦
- Using Gradescope to bring some of the features of online tests into in-person exams, by Victoria Cross (presentation) ♦
- Using the diverse question types in iClicker to engage students in the classroom, by Whitney Duim (presentation) ♦
- Frequent student presentations in a technology-enhanced classroom (Walker 1330), by Susan Gentry (presentation) ♦
- Creating an online asynchronous module to complement professional student literature searching and critical evaluation for Case-based Learning, by Cecilia Giulivi, Stanley Marks, and Erik D. Fausak (presentation) ♦
- The Collaborative Syllabus: Unmuting Students by Inviting them into Course Design, by Heather J. Hether (presentation) ♦
- Ensuring your Social Media posts are accessible, by Joshua Hori (presentation) ♦
- A conversation about accessible teaching with Joshua Hori (interview with Dr. Andy)
- A conversation about teaching distributed workshops with Timothy Hyde (interview with Dr. Andy)
- A conversation about international teaching with Elizabeth Langridge-Noti and Jolynn Shoemaker (interview with Dr. Andy)
- A conversation about two-stage assessments with Miriam Markum (interview with Dr. Andy)
- A conversation about inclusive teaching and learning with DJ Quinn (interview with Dr. Andy)
- Strategies and Practices in Facilitating Students' Class Engagement, by Yutian Tan (presentation) ♦
- Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique, by Maria Trnkova (presentation) ♦
- A conversation about sustaining remote teaching techniques with Mark Verbitsky (interview with Dr. Andy)
- Comparison of Fully immersive VR, Desktop VR, and PowerPoint in Food Microbiology Laboratory Instruction, by Luxin Wang and Fei Xue (presentation) ♦