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ATS Ed Tech Spotlight Series: Gradescope for New Users

Have you been searching for a tool to streamline your evaluation of paper-based or electronic assignments and quizzes? Do you want to collaboratively create and modify grading rubrics? Do you wish it were easier to coordinate teams of TAs as they review student work? If so, Gradescope may be a good fit for your courses.

We’ve talked to many UC Davis faculty who love Gradescope, especially the way that the tool allows users to leverage Gradescope’s unique digital scanning and automated organizing features to diversify the types of questions they use on paper exams. “Gradescope has allowed me to add more authentic assessments with in-class exams because I can now integrate written and multiple choice questions seamlessly,” says longtime Gradescope user Victoria Cross from the Department of Psychology. “The TAs can share the grading load and the students can see their feedback.” 

Coordinated by the staff at Academic Technology Services, a trainer-led webinar "Gradescope for New Users" will review the use and applications of Gradescope on November 14, 2022, from 10-11 am. In 60 minutes, participants will learn about the core features of Gradescope, including steps for scanning, organizing, and offering feedback on student submissions using a variety of tools such as AI-assisted sorting and collaborative rubrics. Note: This webinar will only be held if 8 or more attendees register interest, so please sign up now to reserve your spot. [This event is in the past; please watch the recording.]

We hope you can join us for this special event.

Andy Jones

Gradescope for New Users
November 14, 2022, from 10-11 am
Join us via Zoom [This event is in the past; please watch the recording.]

Image by Marisa04 from Pixabay

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