Faculty Events

SITT Is Upon Us!

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

It’s time for SITT! Please join us via Zoom on the mornings of September 12 and 13 for the Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology.

UC Davis Faculty speakers and faculty attendees are eager to discuss elements of this year’s theme—Digital Divisions, Digital Multiplications.

Video from the May 17 Faculty Forum on preparing for SITT

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Thanks to everyone who attended our Faculty Forum on Friday, May 17th. As you will see from the video, our cozy group discussed topics that might come up at the 2024 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology, including detecting plagiarism, teaching with AI, hybrid teaching, etc. The chat provided an excellent reminder of the sense of camaraderie, community, and mutual support which infuses SITT with optimism and good cheer.

Video from the May DOLCE on Innovative Teaching and Group Learning, featuring Janine Wilson and Cecilia Giulivi

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Thanks to everyone who attended our DOLCE on Friday, May 3rd.

We are grateful to Janine Wilson from Economics and Cecilia Giulivi from Veterinary Medicine for their excellent and complimentary presentations on the benefits and challenges of innovatively leading learning groups in large and small classes. Both faculty support their claims with quantitative and qualitative data, some of which will surprise you.

Video from the April 19 Faculty Forum on Generative AI and Writing

Dear Faculty Colleagues, 

Thanks to everyone who attended our Faculty Forum on Friday, April 19th. Are we all increasingly becoming AI experts? Or are we all ready to throw up our hands in a fit of overwhelm and discouragement? Well I think the recording of our recent conversation will provide you some encouraging pathways to navigating the joys and challenges of teaching college students in our AI era.

Video from the April’s DOLCE on student engagement and the multi-phase syllabus

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Thanks to everyone who attended our DOLCE on Friday, April 5th. We enjoyed the engaging presentation from Victoria Cross speaking on “Encouraging and rewarding attendance and engagement without coercion.” Tor grades using a fascinating point-based system where a superfluity of available points provides students the autonomy to create their own path towards a passing grade in her Psychology classes.

Video from the March DOLCE on interactive instructional video with PlayPosit

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

We appreciate the enthusiastic and expert participation of our three faculty presenters and the thoughtful questions from the audience at our most recent DOLCE event last Friday, March 2nd. The teaching and presentation skills of Mark Verbitsky, Debbie Fetter, and Martin Hilbert were on full display. Lest you feel full of regret if you couldn’t join us, we have recorded the entire event for your measured review.