Red bicycle in a summer field

Register Now for SITT 2021 -- September 9 and 10 via Zoom

“Bouncing Back: Flexible Teaching in a Year of Recovery”

The 2021 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology starts September 9th, so now is the time to register for this two-morning Zoom opportunity to hear excellent and relevant presentations by our UC Davis colleagues, and to connect with fellow faculty on your teaching and instructional technology concerns. 

The schedule of live events is now available, so I invite you to check out the pre-recorded offerings now and to register for and plan to attend the individual sessions on the Join Live Talks page.

As you probably saw from the recently-posted “Information for Classroom Instruction,” UC Davis faculty have many questions yet about the teaching and learning experiences that await us all this fall. SITT will provide faculty participants a timely opportunity to learn about relevant strategies, experiences, and resources from seasoned instructors so that we are all better prepared for our fall teaching challenges.

Our SITT theme, “Bouncing Back: Flexible Teaching in a Year of Recovery,” will be explored with the help of live events on Zoom, as well as recorded talks and faculty interviews that are available to be reviewed now. This year’s talks will center on insights learned from remote teaching, including especially opportunities to use educational technologies to share and enhance our curricula.   

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Bettina Ng’weno, an associate professor in African American and African Studies, will open SITT with a talk about building a better world after the inequalities that were revealed by the pandemic. Other speakers will discuss Gradescope, flexibility, anti-racism, and strategies for strengthening in-person classes with lessons learned during emergency remote teaching. 

The SITT Recorded talks and interviews cover a breadth of topics, including group work, student collaboration, assessment, use of video, and more. During the more open-ended forums, faculty will discuss their plans for fall teaching, and learn about the people and resources that will support that transition.

Plan to join us for both mornings of the SITT live sessions on September 9 and 10. For more information and to register for each live talk, visit our event page on The Wheel, the instructional technology blog of UC Davis. Recorded content is available now, but please plan to join us for the synchronous sessions on Thursday and Friday morning.

Thanks for reading to the end of this invitation, which I hope you will share with your faculty colleagues. I hope to see you at SITT 2021!


Dr. Andy Jones

Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services

Host, The 2021 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology