wheel valves in a row as part of a big machine

DOLCE with talks on Increasing undergraduates’ Sense of Belonging and their Applied Research Skills

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Happy springtime! Please join us on Friday, May 3rd for another DOLCE, this one featuring talks by Janine Wilson of Economics and Cecilia Giulivi from the School of Veterinary Medicine.

Janine Wilson will speak on “Fostering an increased sense of belonging with carefully chosen student groups in a large lecture setting.” When consulting with instructional designers, many of the faculty we support ask about ways to engage students and even entice them to attend our lectures, especially when we teach large classes. Janine Wilson will share her strategies.

Janine Lynn Flathmann Wilson is an Associate Professor of Teaching Economics. She serves as the Undergraduate Chair to the Department of Economics and Advisor to both the Undergraduate Womxn in Economics Society (“UWIES”) and the Department of Economics Collective (“DEC”). Professor Wilson is a Co-Chair of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference Committee which serves the wider UC Davis campus community. She works to improve student learning, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of Economics.

Cecilia Giulivi will present on “Beginning to foster critical appraisal through systematic reviews at the undergraduate level.” Organizing an undergraduate honors course around conducting a systematic review, Giulivi finds this approach exposes undergraduates to various research methods and increases their understanding and appreciation of critical thinking, independent learning, collaborative learning and integrating diverse perspectives.

Dr. Cecilia Giulivi’s expertise is in mitochondrial biology in neurological and metabolic diseases. This is reflected in >150 publications in peer-reviewed journals in the chemistry-biochemistry field of mitochondria and free radicals. As a first-gen and underrepresented minority, former Member of the Multicultural Affairs Committee at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and current Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Integrated Pathobiology Graduate Program, Giulivi strives to recruit and advise students from unprivileged backgrounds.

Please register now so you can join us Friday May 3rd at noon for the presentations and discussion. If you are unable to join us live on Zoom, please visit The Wheel in the subsequent week to watch the recording.

See you on May 3rd!

Dr. Andy Jones
Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services
Editor in Chief, The Wheel
University of California, Davis

DOLCE on Increasing undergraduates’ Sense of Belonging and their Applied Research Skills
Friday, May 3rd at Noon via Zoom
Register now!

Image by Peter H from Pixabay

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