
Free What?! (What’s an ETRA?)

Academic Technology Services offers professional media production services for your courses. Well, we probably shouldn’t use the word “free” because the University is paying for it, but there is no charge to you or your department (up to a certain amount each quarter, staff availability permitting).

  • Might your students – especially your visual learners – benefit from an illustration or 2D animation of a complex process or concept you aim to convey? (We have artists.)
  • Are there guest lectures or events on campus that you would like to capture for current or future students who might otherwise miss out? (We have videographers.)
  • Might an aerial tour of your experimental crops or your study area help present it to your students in a new and useful way? (We have a drone.)
  • Would a close-up professional photograph of a specimen or equipment from your lab help your students better understand what you’re describing? (We have a photographer.)

UC Davis faculty are adept at finding or creating compelling instructional visuals for your students, but if you ever feel like you could use some help creating instructional media, learning how to create or improve your own instructional media, or integrating instructional media and instructional technology into your courses, Academic Technology Services (ATS) can help.

An ETRA (Educational Technology Resource Award) is a small faculty grant for ATS services that is renewable quarterly, resources permitting.

  • For core-funded (“free”) consulting on how best to use instructional media and technology in your courses, please email
  • For graphic design, illustration, and 2D animation consulting and services, please email
  • For video production, audio production, photography, and all other ATS media production consulting and services, please email

The brief online application for an ETRA can be found here: – we at Academic Technology Services look forward to hearing from you!