Bicycle with Flowers

Introducing the Faculty Microtalk Presenters for SITT 2019

Dear Faculty Colleagues,  

The 2019 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology is fast approaching! In addition to an exciting keynote speaker this year, five faculty will be giving 10-minute microtalk presentations on teaching and instructional technology topics. These microtalks have engaged participants and sparked discussions at past SITTs, and have led many of us to our own instructional innovations in the classes we teach.  

This year we are excited to announce the following microtalk presentations:

  • Engaging Students in Citizen Science Using Mobile Technology” by Dr. Laci Gerhart-Barley, Department of Evolution and Ecology
  • Podcasting in Medical Education” by Dr. Paul Aronowitz, Department of Medicine
  • Bringing the World to your Students with In-Class Web Interviews” by Dr. Mark Verbitsky, Political Science
  • Using Canvas to Create a Road Map for Delivery of an Online, General Education, Cross-Campus Course” by Dr. Sara Dye, Department of Plant Pathology
  • Collaborative Writing in Class: An opportunity for our students to apply course concepts through low-stakes writing” by Dr. Silvia Carrasco, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology 

Registration is limited, so be sure to save your spot today. SITT 2019 will take place from 8:30-5 on September 13th in Kleiber 3.  

On behalf of the SITT planning team and our faculty presenters, I look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks! Dr. Andy Jones 

Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services 

Editor of The Wheel, The Instructional Technology Blog for UC Davis 

University of California, Davis 



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