Two Faculty Presentations on Teaching with ChatGPT - Video from a recent DOLCE
Dear Faculty Colleagues,
Thanks to all of you who attended our March 3rd DOLCE about teaching with ChatGPT, with presentations from Andrea Ross and Lisa Sperber, both from the University Writing Program. We very much appreciated their thoughtful approaches to this new tool.
Enjoy this short preview, and review the full recording.
Please plan to join us every first and third Friday of the month at noon (via Zoom) for forums like this one.
Dr. Andy Jones
Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services
Editor in Chief, The Wheel
University of California, Davis
Resources from the event
- Access the Zoom chat from the event [].
- Andrea Ross’ slides []
- Hard Fork’s Feb 10 podcast - “Bing’s Revenge and Google’s AI Faceplant” []
- Recent article on Bing’s AI mentioned by Andrea - “Microsoft's new AI chatbot has been saying some 'crazy and unhinged things'” []
- ChatGPT Solutions [] - doc shared by Lisa
- Writing Tasks AI Can Help With [] - doc shared by Lisa
- Article referenced by Lisa - Mahowald, K. et. al. (2023) Disassociating Language and Thought in Large Language Models: A Cognitive Perspective. Pre-print.
- A working paper on ChatGPT and productivity effects mentioned by Matthew Wood - “Experimental Evidence on the Productivity Effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence” []
- “Lesson Plan: Teaching and Learning in the Era of ChatGPT” []
- From Marilyn Derby: “Turnitin tells us that they've been working on a detection tool for a couple years and they expect to release it in April. We (OSSJA) will let you know when we have it. Here's a 2-minute video of what the tool can do” []
Image by alyoshine from Pixabay