blue bicycle leaning against a stone wall with colorful leaves in the fall

Video from the November Faculty Forum on Academic Integrity, Assessments, and Generative AI

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Thanks to the more than 50 faculty who attended our recent forum on Authentic Assessment and Generative AI. So many hands went up from attending faculty, many of them first-time participants, with questions and suggestions regarding these important topics.

Enjoy this short preview (by Dr. Andy Jones) before reviewing the full recording of our November 15 Faculty Forum. Thanks especially to our official respondents, Jay Stachowicz from Evolution and Ecology and Marilyn Derby from the Office of Student Support and Student Judicial Affairs.  

Attendees appreciated that many of the best approaches to addressing the challenges we discussed came from faculty representing different colleges than their own. If you enjoy such innovative peer instruction, as it were, please plan to join us first and third Fridays of the month at noon (via Zoom) for forums like this one.

Dr. Andy Jones
Academic Director, Academic Technology Services
Editor in Chief, The Wheel
University of California, Davis

Image generated through Adobe Firefly: blue bicycle leaning against a stone wall with colorful leaves in the fall

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