What do you look for in an LMS? We'd like your feedback!

How do you use a learning management system (LMS)? What features are most important to you? You can share your thoughts by filling out this survey: http://www.sogosurvey.com/k/RQsWQQPsUsPsPsP

The survey also provides spaces for you to indicate your interest in joining the LMS Working Group.

As we've been posting about quite regularly for the last couple of months, the Learning Management System (LMS) Working Group, a subset of the Campus Council for Information Technology Educational Technology SubCommittee (CCFIT-EdTech), is investigating replacements for Sakai, the LMS that powers SmartSite. By completing the survey, you will help us determine what LMS features our UC Davis community most values, which will in turn guide our continued investigation and ultimate recommendation to the Provost.

If you have questions, please contact the Working Group Chair, Andy Jones (aojones@ucdavis.edu).

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