Using Gradescope to bring some of the features of online tests into in-person exams
Victoria Cross
Many of our students prefer the allure of remote exams - the promise of open-book, open-notes, open-google. However, much of the material our students need to master requires serious study and comprehension. In person exams can help prompt that serious learning. Bringing students back into the classroom for exams does not need to mean only using multiple choice exams. Our campus has a site license for Gradescope. This tool makes the administration of grading written exams an absolute joy. TAs regularly exclaim "I f**king love Gradescope" This video will give some examples of best practices in writing effective in-person exams beyond multiple choice items; show the basic mechanics of using Gradescope; and demonstrate the grading features that prompt such TA rapture.
About the Presenter
Victoria Cross has been involved in educational technology on the UC Davis campus since before PowerPoint was a thing. She is an Associate Professor of Teaching Psychology.