Frequent student presentations in a technology-enhanced classroom (Walker 1330)
Susan Gentry
An interactive classroom, Walker 1330, was leveraged to provide frequent formative feedback on quarter-long group projects in an upper-division engineering course. Student groups would periodically present “update presentations” on the status of their group project to date to an audience of their peers and a member of the instructional team (instructor, teaching assistant, or learning assistant). The presenter will share about the capabilities of the room as well as her insights and lessons learned.
Access the presentation slides (PDF)
About the Presenter
Susan Gentry is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department at UC Davis. She aims to implement evidence-based teaching practices in her undergraduate and graduate engineering courses to support learning for diverse students. Her scholarly work has focused on computer simulations in the MSE curriculum and developing a student success seminar in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.