New tactics to enhance an old practice: Facilitating student presentations with new technology
Heather J. Hether
Thursday, September 12th, 2024
9:00-9:45 am
Across a myriad of courses, students are frequently assigned presentations to support both their content mastery as well as their communication skills development. However, finding the time to accommodate presentations is challenging, as is ensuring that student learning and engagement is maximally supported across all talks. In this interactive presentation, you will learn new ways to leverage technology for more effective student presentations. In addition, a case study describing how simultaneous student presentations were organized and facilitated on Zoom will be presented. Come join the discussion!
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About the Presenter
Dr. Hether is an associate professor of teaching communication at UC Davis. She studies innovative teaching practices that support student learning and prepare students for professional success. Her primary pedagogical research interests focus on collaboration and open pedagogy practices that engage students as co-creators of their educational experiences.