Using Tailored Feedback to Inspire Learning
Debbie Fetter
This presentation will focus on how to develop questions with tailored feedback within PlayPosit and how to examine the resulting data to identify stages of learning. In an online class, it can be difficult to identify misconceptions and find ways to give students feedback in "real" time. The PlayPosit platform offers instructors an opportunity to embed questions within online videos and provide students with specific feedback based on which answer they selected. This presentation will also explore how instructors can use the response data to track learning trends and communicate out to students any misconceptions that may emerge.
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♦ Dr. Fetter will be participating in a live panel session on September 12th at 12:00 pm to briefly discuss her talk and answer questions from SITT attendees.
About the Presenter
Dr. Debbie Fetter is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Department of Nutrition at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Fetter teaches a high-enrollment, general nutrition class in a fully online format (Nutrition 10V) and a traditional in-person format (Nutrition 10). She also conducts research on differences between online and in-person education and ways to improve student engagement in online education.