The Future of Teaching in the Teaching and Learning Complex (TLC)

An opportunity to participate in a new CEE certificate series

If you’ve walked around the west side of campus in the last year, you’ve likely seen the modern Teaching and Learning Complex that has grown majestically between the Silo and Surge II, home of Academic Technology Services. Even more impressive on the inside, the TLC (as we call it) will quickly become a favorite teaching location for many faculty who get to teach there.

Our friends at The Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) have recently announced their Teaching and Learning Complex (TLC) Certificate Series, and we think everyone interested in the TLC should or will want to participate. The TLC Certificate Series will prepare instructors for teaching in a TLC that features flexible classrooms designed and equipped to facilitate active learning and increase student engagement. The five-workshop series will review interactive teaching strategies, active learning technologies, techniques for managing groups, and group-based and collaborative assessments. 

“The new Teaching and Learning Complex offers a suite of technologies and pedagogical design features that will allow faculty to teach students in ways that promote students’ learning through active engagement with course concepts.” said Dr. Patricia Turner, an Education Specialist at CEE and the TLC Certificate Series Coordinator. Many of you who have attended SITT or our various faculty forums will remember Dr. Turner from her wise and clear presentations and thought-provoking questions about teaching.

UC Davis instructors who complete the TLC Series requirements will receive special denotation in the Registrar’s scheduling algorithm for consideration to be assigned to teach in the new TLC for future terms. Note: The Registrar considers many factors when scheduling instructors to rooms; CEE will not have input on the scheduling process.

To participate in the TLC Certificate Series, fill out the short application that can be found here: The application window closes at 5PM on January 14th. If you have questions about the certificate series, please contact Dr. Patricia Turner at CEE: