SITT registration Open

SITT 2021 Registration is open!

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Please plan to join us at the 2021 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology (SITT) on the mornings of September 9th and 10th.

As with so many of the world’s colloquia this year, SITT 2021 will meet via Zoom. Just as the pandemic challenges of this past year have forced UC Davis faculty to re-envision pedagogy to better serve our students, we at Academic Technology Services (ATS) have designed SITT to better help us all bounce back from a challenging year, and to equip participants to look forward with optimism and innovation to the coming year of remote, hybrid, and especially face-to-face teaching opportunities.

As with SITTs of the past 30 years, faculty presenters and ATS staff will offer presentations and microtalks on their teaching experiences and innovations, focusing this year on lessons learned from teaching remotely and on applications of those lessons to the transition back to on-campus instruction. 

SITT 2021 will be virtual with a combination of live events and pre-recorded talks and interviews. We will meet in September, just weeks before we join a new crop of students this fall, ready to share course content and lead discussions using a variety of tools and media.

Even via Zoom, we know we can count on the excitement and engagement of our faculty attendees. We will share details about the SITT speakers and presentation topics later this summer, but for right now, please reserve September 9 and 10 on your calendar and register now, as virtual space is limited.


Dr. Andy Jones

Host, The 2021 Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology

Register for SITT!