Comparison of Fully immersive VR, Desktop VR, and PowerPoint in Food Microbiology Laboratory Instruction
Fei Xue and Luxin Wang
To investigate how Virtual Reality (VR) benefits laboratory course teaching, we designed a VR-based lecture for the food microbiology laboratory course and compared its instructional effectiveness with the conventional PowerPoint slides. Our result indicated that VR could facilitate students’ motivation to better understand concepts by cultivating students’ longer visual attention and fostering a higher sense of presence. By discussing the results with SITT, we hope to better reflect on the implication of our research findings.
About the Presenters
Fei Xue is a Ph.D. student in the School of Education at UC Davis. Her research focuses on instructional technology, human-computer interaction, and design thinking. Her current research projects include Learning through immersive visualization and Students’ creative collaboration in online and in-person modes. Before coming to UC Davis, she received an MFA degree and an MHCI degree, and she was an acrylic artist and a design instructor.
Luxin Wang is an associate professor working in the Department of Food Science and Technology at UC Davis. Her research area is in microbial food safety. She teaches FST109 “Principles of quality assurance in food processing” and FST104L “Food microbiology laboratory” every Spring quarter.