Laboratory in Early Childhood without the “Lab”
Hannah Minter Anderson
HDE140L: “Laboratory in Early Childhood” is one of the few practicum courses required for Human Development majors and was the only one offered during the 2020-2021 school year. This presentation will review how the typical in-person practicum course was adapted to an online format. Unique applied writing assignments tailored to a variety of career goals were developed to increase student engagement and application of course content to real-world scenarios. Presenter will share successes from online adaptation and plans for transitioning back into in-person class.
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About the Presenter
Hannah Minter Anderson, MAT, serves as a Child Development Demonstration Lecturer for the Department of Human Ecology. She teaches one section of HDE140L: Laboratory in Early Childhood; one of the practicum courses required of Human Development majors. Hannah also serves as Program Coordinator for the prekindergarten program at the Early Childhood Laboratory, part of the Center for Child and Family Studies. Her position allows her to support our youngest learners alongside our oldest learners in a unique parallel process.