Faculty Talk - Facilitating Student Engagement

Strategies and Practices in Facilitating Students' Class Engagement

Yutian Tan


In this presentation, the author will share her strategies in facilitating students' engagement and discussion in an introductory level culture class (CHN 009: Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture). These strategies include: 1) assigning participation points in grade distribution; 2) providing detailed rubric; 3) communicating promptly; and 4) assigning specific roles before discussion.

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About the Presenter

Yutian Tan is a Chinese lecturer from the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. She teaches varies levels of Chinese language (beginning, intermediate and advanced), linguistics, and culture courses. Yutian received her PhD in Chinese Linguistics from The Ohio State University, her MPhil in Linguistics from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and her BA in Chinese from Peking University in China. Before joining UC Davis, she worked as a visiting instructor at College of The Holy Cross.

Yutian Tan