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Faculty Forum October 18th: Faculty Users of Gradescope

Dear Faculty Colleagues, 

Please join us this Friday, October 18th at noon in 1310 Surge III / The Grove for a Faculty Forum on the innovative new assessment tool Gradescope. As UC Davis has recently acquired a campus-wide license, this Friday’s forum will share faculty stories about the ways this tool makes grading more effective and efficient. 

Joining us will be Laci Gerhart-Barley, from the Department of Evolution and Ecology, and Dave Doty, from the Department of Computer Science. Both Gerhart-Barley and Doty have extensive experience using Gradescope in their own classes and will provide insights on how best to use the tool. 

Our Discussing Online Learning and Collaborative Education meetings and Faculty Forums take place on the first and third Friday of every month during the school year. Please add these noon forums to your calendar so that you can join in the conversations about innovative teaching with technology. Thank you in advance for joining us! 

Best, Andy Jones 

Academic Associate Director, Academic Technology Services

Faculty Forum: Faculty Users of Gradescope

Friday, October 18th at noon

1310 Surge III / The Grove

Primary Category